Card Redesign
Project TrueCar
Role Product Designer
Year 2023
For this case study I’ll share the overhaul of TrueCar’s vehicle cards, my primary focus as the product designer on this project was to enhance clarity and efficiency. The attained objectives resulted in a 13.61% surge in users transitioning to the vehicle details page and a 10.06% increase in account registrations on the search results page.
Teamed up with the product manager, we pinpointed the redesign challenges based on user feedback and stakeholder input. Along with the development lead, we identified opportunities for improved site performance.
Existing Items
I mapped out all the existing information on the vehicle cards to understand the current landscape and assess our situation.
Secondary Items
Through user testing, I assessed which features had a lower priority in influencing decision-making at this stage.
New Items
Validated some new features that were a priority to most users and worked on a way to hide secondary features.
Flexible Items
These secondary features can be easily shown or hidden without affecting the size or vertical layout.
Putting it all in motion, I minimized card size, emphasized price and vehicle name, used color cautiously, corrected problems with the image carousel, addressed inconsistencies with layout and design, and put emphasis on electric inventory and fuel types.
The vehicle card redesign project resulted in a significant improvement in user experience, with a 13.61% increase in users transitioning to vehicle details and a 10.06% rise in account registrations on the search results page.